Curriculum Vitae / Resumé (English)

Diana Magalhães de Oliveira, DVM, PhD

Curriculum Vitae

Updated February 06th, 2015
Full Online CV:


Formally trained in Veterinary Medicine (holding BS and MS degrees, equivalent to a DVM at Brazil) and Immunopathology (holding a Specialization in Japan, 1994, and a PhD in Immunology, 2000), with a short postdoctoral training in Bioinformatics at University of Toronto in 2004, I have broad and up-to-date experience in Genomics and Pathology, acting on the following subjects: bioinformatics, computational biology, functional genomics, pathogenomics and host-pathogen interactions, particularly leading with flagellated pathogens such as Leishmania chagasi and granulomatogenic agents such as Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis, among others. Since 1988 I work at UECE; first as a Teaching Assistant, then, Assistant and now as a Tenured Associate Professor, where I have built and directed the first dedicated Genomics and Bioinformatics facility (NUGEN) at the State of Ceará (2002-2010), being responsible for the first participation of my institution in Brazilian Regional and National Genome Consortia (PROGENE and BrGene) and Nanothecnology Network (CETENE/Rede Nano).

My research work focused mainly on genome/proteome analysis of microorganisms, their organelles and virulence factors, besides investigations on key biological processes such as genomic imprinting (human imprinted genes and imprintome) and the nutritional control of gene regulation (Nutrigenomics), all research involving Bioinformatics and Computational Biology methods, including Linked Data and Semantic Web. I have been the PI (Principal Investigator) for several externally funded grants and the lead scientist in various research projects, within two research groups: GENOMATICA & POSNANOGEN which act along the RENORBIO Biotechnology Graduation Program (Pós-Graduação em Biotecnologia da Rede Nordeste de Biotecnologia and the Nutrition and Health Graduation Course (Curso de Mestrado Acadêmico em Nutrição e Saúde - CMANS -, both at UECE, Fortaleza, Ceará.

I have written more than 40 papers, 2 patents, 2 registered (and 2 non-registered) software and I have over 400 citations. A few dozens (out of almost two hundred) undergraduate and graduate trainees from my lab have permanent and eminent faculty or technical positions at distinct locations, including University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), University of Rome La Sapienza, University of São Paulo (USP), University of Brasilia (UNB) and several Federal Universities in Brazil (UFC, UFPE, UFPI, UFCG, UFPB, UNIVASF, etc).


Work address: Av. Silas Munguba, 1700, Campus do Itaperi, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil, Zip Code 60714-903
Phone: 55(85) 3101-9644/9645
Email: (institutional); (professional); (personal)


Tenured Associate Professor

Primary Appointment: Health Sciences Center / Nutrition School
Divisions: Pathology and Nutrigenomics

Secondary Appointments: Biotechnology Graduation Program (Division: Bioinformatics) and Nutrition and Health Master’s Program (Division: Nutrigenomics)
Centro de Ciências da Saúde (CCS) - Health Sciences Center
Universidade Estadual do Ceará (UECE), Fortaleza, CE, Brazil


1983 – 1987: Bachelor's degree (BS) in Veterinary Medicine, Universidade Estadual do Ceará, UECE, Fortaleza, Brazil. Training in Virology at Instituto Biológico, São Paulo, Brazil

05 - 12/1994: Specialization in Advanced Technology For Veterinary Diagnosis, National Institute of
Animal Health, NIAH, Japan, Scholarship from: Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

1993 – 1995: Master's of Science (MS) degree in Veterinary Medicine, Universidade Federal de Minas
Gerais, UFMG, Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Dissertation Title: Pneumonic lesions in goats as induced by experimental infection with Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis.

1996 – 2000: Ph.D. / Doctorate (DSc.) degree in Immunology. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
(UFMG), Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Thesis Title: Nitric oxide interactions with cytokines and
chemokine’s on granulomatous response to various Schistosoma mansoni antigens.


02 – 07/2004: Postdoctoral Fellow in Proteomics and Bioinformatics Program, University of Toronto, U of T, Ontario, Canada. Scholarship: Genome Canada - Center of Genome Prairie.


1984 - 1986 Instructor of Veterinary Histology (as an Undergraduate Student), Veterinary Medicine
Department, Veterinary School, State University of Ceará (UECE), Fortaleza, Brazil

08 – 12/1987 Research Training on Virology (as an Undergraduate Student), Center for Viral
Encephalitis, Instituto Biológico de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

1988 - 1995 Teaching Assistant (Tenure-Track), Veterinary Medicine Department, Veterinary School,
State University of Ceará (UECE), Fortaleza, Brazil

1996 - 2000 Assistant Professor (Tenured), Veterinary Medicine Department, Veterinary School, State
University of Ceará (UECE), Fortaleza, Brazil

2001 - 2011 Associated Professor (Tenured), Veterinary Medicine Department, Veterinary School, State University of Ceará (UECE), Fortaleza, Brazil

01 – 07/2002 Head of Department, Veterinary Medicine Department, Veterinary School, State University of Ceará (UECE), Fortaleza, Brazil

2003 – 2010 Co-founder, Chief Technology Officer, and Director of Bioinformatics, Genomics
Facility, NUGEN, at Veterinary School, State University of Ceará (UECE), Fortaleza, Brazil

2008 – present Full Professor, Bioinformatics, PhD Biotechnology Program (RENORBIO), UECE,
Fortaleza, Brazil

2009 – 2012 Councils, Commissions and Consulting, Member of Research Board, Pró-Reitoria de Pós-
Graduação e Pesquisa. Câmara de Pesquisa - Diretoria de Pesquisa, State University of
Ceará (UECE), Fortaleza, Brazil

2011 - present Associated Professor (Tenured), Nutrition School, Health Sciences Center (Centro de
Ciências da Saúde), State University of Ceará (UECE), Fortaleza, Brazil

2011 – 2012 Vice-Coordinator, Nutrition and Health Master’s Program (Curso de Mestrado
Acadêmico em Nutrição e Saúde – CMANS), Nutrition School, Health Sciences Center
(Centro de Ciências da Saúde), State University of Ceará (UECE), Fortaleza, Brazil

2013 – present Full Professor, Bioinformatics and Pharmacogenomics, Master’s Program in
Biotechnology of Biopharmaceuticals, Mestrado Profissional em Biotecnologia em Saúde
Humana e Animal, State University of Ceará (UECE), Fortaleza, Brazil


1. Pathologist:

Veterinary Anatomic Pathology (solid expertise in postmortem examination, duty rotation on
necropsy and biopsy services dealing with food, companion, laboratory, aquatic, equine, avian and exotic animals; gross and microscopic examination [morphologic pathology; examining surgical pathology specimens; histopathological, cytological and parasitological diagnostics; collection and analysis of data; necropsy report preparation]; pathogenesis of diseases; expertise in veterinary forensic pathological [evidence collection and preservation on animal carcasses or animal crime scenes; death investigation; forensic necropsy report / chain of custody / documentation; post-mortem intervals methods)

General & Comparative Pathology (strong expertise in histologic techniques such as routine and special stains toward superb interpretation of lesions; comprehensive knowledge of inflammation development and inflammatory states, chiefly pyogenic and granulomatous response, as well as low-grade, baseline para-inflammation settings; diagnostic and prognostic indicators for neoplastic cases; detection of stage and degree of tumor progression; comprehensive competency in animal/comparative respiratory and digestive systems pathology; experience in optical, transmission (TEM) and scanning (SEM) electron microscopy, and immunohistochemistry; high competence in scientific report preparation and in authoring comprehensive pathology narrative reports; familiar with toxicologic pathology [in supporting the interpretation of chemical or drug-related toxicology findings in safety studies]).

Cellular and Molecular Pathology (good experience in veterinary molecular diagnostics; host-pathogen interactions; organelle biogenesis and roles in disease [mainly eukaryotic flagellum and phagosome formation]; some experience in cancer biology; prion diseases, mostly Scrapie; ciliopathies; sequencing FFPE-samples; familiar with atomic force microscopy (AFM), FISH, DNA microarrays and tissue PCR.

2. Immunologist and/or Infectious Disease Specialist:

Experience in mammalian and human cell culture techniques; in vitro cell viability techniques; cytokine/chemokine & nitric oxide in vitro detection assays;  animal work [models of disease, mouse strain handling, breeding and selection, lab animals inoculation, surgery, diagnosis and management of facilities]; immunofluorescence and bioluminescence imaging techniques; innate immunology, mucosal and microbiome immunity; regulation of T-cell activation, development and function; T-cell differentiation; macrophage function; flagellar mechanisms of infection; cancer immunology; developmental immunology; hybridoma and antibody cloning techniques; flow cytometric analysis; BSL2/3 class agents handling;

Plentiful expertise in parasitic Neglected Tropical Diseases (Schistosoma mansoni, [Schistosomiasis], Leishmania spp. [Leishmaniases], Trypanossoma spp. [American trypanosomiasis or Chagas disease] and Plasmodium spp. [Malaria] and their vectors);

Solid expertise in Zoonoses and Animal Diseases (host-pathogen interactions and virulence factors
in visceral Leishmaniasis and Toxoplasmosis; Viral pathogenesis [Aujeszky Disease, Rabies
and other viral encephalitis];

Experience in bacterial granulomatous pathogenesis (Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis [Caseous Lymphadenitis], Mycobacterium spp. [Tuberculosis and Paratuberculosis or Johne’s Disease] and Burkholderia mallei and B. pseudomallei [Glanders and Melioidosis]).

3. Molecular Biologist:

General proficiency in standard molecular biology techniques for nucleic acid analysis and manipulation, including detection, purification, amplification, labeling, hybridization, etc. for both DNA and RNA; protein extraction, purification and quantification; Northern & Southern blotting; DNA [Sanger] sequencing; genomic cDNA library screening and normalization; restriction enzyme analysis; synthesis of cDNA probes for hybridization; synthesis of DNA plasmids; gene cloning; conventional and quantitative real time PCR; PCR analysis; transfection; expression and purification of cloned proteins; receptor expression and mutagenesis; SNP genotyping; protein-protein interactions and gene expression profiles; gene/protein functional characterization; phylogenetic analysis; some experience in forensic molecular genetics (paternity and kinship testing; human STR and biallelic markers - new
European Standard Set (ESS) or Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) and deletion/insertion polymorphism (DIP) loci); biomarker analyses and discovery;

4. Genomics Scientist:

Functional Genomics (expertise in comparative genome and gene annotation; pathogenomics
- genome analyses of pathogens and disease-vectors; diagnostic "omics" methods; good experience in various sequencing strategies [EST, WGS, re-sequencing, targeted sequencing, transcriptome profiling, exome sequencing]; protein analysis by high throughput technologies and computational proteomics, largely protein structure prediction; knowledge of genomic imprinting (human imprinted genes and the imprintome); genotype-phenotype associations; genotype imputation; pathway mutations analyses; genome variants and mutations interpretation; familiar with nutrigenomics and nutrients’ roles on gene expression, nutritional epigenetic phenomena and methylation profiles;

Bioinformatics (proficiency in gene/protein finding and sequence analyses; ad hoc data exploration; knowledge discovery in databases (KDD) and pattern discovery and classification; data analyses in GWAS and PheWAS; models and frameworks for Big Data [including Semantic Web, Linked Data and structured datasets such as RDF and VCF]; data mining and data curation towards biological inference; biomedical text mining and ontologies; bioassay and genetic variant analyses; vast experience in biological database (DB) navigating, but only familiar with DB management and modeling tools;

5. Lecturer / Professor:

Teaching (outstanding oral, written and presentation skills; good interpersonal and organizational skills; strong commitment to teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels; exceptional skills in teaching professional curricula [for developing Veterinarians, Nutritionists, Biologists, and Pharmacists]; talent to utilize modern information technology in energetic teaching, including social media services; ability to supervise research personnel and advise graduate and undergraduate students; aptitude to recruit and mentor graduate students; willingness and ability to teach at all curricular levels [a genuine professorship], to supervise dissertations and theses, and to further the work of junior academic colleagues; vast experience in communicating research findings through meeting presentations, lectures and publications;

Research – either as individual contributor, principal investigator or lead scientist (expertise in grant writing and establishing extramurally funded research projects; strong experience in designing and conducting both basic and translational research [planning, development, implementation, and follow-through projects, since adequate application decision and submission through successful award and timely close out]; ability to establish scientific direction of research program and to provide scientific leadership; skilled in developing productive research programs involving graduate and undergraduate students; exceptional leadership skills such as motivation and delegation with unique talent to supervise junior staff aiming at project scheduling and timeline; aptitude to interpret and report laboratory results
in a timely manner; to locate and review pertinent literature to identify the most applicable protocols/ methods; to develop research objectives, planning and developing experiments and experimental protocols; to recommend, develop and modify methods and procedures for conducting research; to write and review study protocols, SOPs and policies; excellent bench skills with analytical and troubleshooting abilities; willingness to support functions – such as intellectual property & regulatory affairs, and application of ethical principles in research.


Intersection of Pathology/Immunology and Functional Genomics (Pathogenomics) approaches, plus
Nutrigenomics and broad Bioinformatics tools applications to data mining and data curation towards
biological inference and knowledge discovery in databases (KDD). The use of genomic and bioinformatic resources for gathering information out of the vast amount of available biological data has encompassed several of my works focusing mainly on pathogenic parasites such as Schistosoma mansoni (cellular immune response) and the protozoan Leishmania (genome/proteome analysis involving flagellar mechanisms of infection), their organelles and virulence factors.

More recently I have investigated key biological processes such as genomic imprinting (human imprinted genes and imprintome) and the nutritional control of gene regulation (Nutrigenomics on non-transmissible chronic diseases – NTCDs, such as diabetes and metabolic syndrome).

For future research perspectives I am willing to pursue new data-driven avenues for exploring mechanisms of disease emergence, as in host-pathogen interactions and cancer biology. I am particularly fascinated by epigenetic mechanisms and reprograming processes such as those in cancer exosomes mediated-roles of microRNAs and all possible steps from tissue to molecular phenotyping. At the crossroads of all those fields, with the aide of Genomics and Bioinformatics applications, lies the Pathogenomics, whose research pulls together threads from cellular and molecular pathology, as well as comparative, animal and human pathology, parasitology or immunology, at a time when we are all challenged by the increasingly data driven nature of modern veterinary and biomedical exploration (including Pathology Informatics and Translational Research). A particular strength of these combined approaches is the miscellaneous complement of disciplines working toward a cohesive methodology that allows vigorous discoveries in all aspects of disease emergence, mechanisms of host-pathogen interactions, and disease prevention. To generate scientific insights from such disparate “big” data sources available across those multiple domains is a great challenge I am eager to take in investigative biomarker- or pathogen-based research.

OBTAINED GRANTS* (As Principal Investigator – PI or Co-Investigator)

* Grant types are stated as in comparison to NIH codes, although might be slightly different in Brazil. The amount funded is stated in Brazilian currencyPresent and/or Active

1. PI, "Comparative Genomic Imprinting in DNA Samples as a Forensic Method for Individual Genetic
Identification” (Impressão genômica comparativa de amostras de DNA (igcDNA) como método legal para identificação genética de indivíduos), CNPq** (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico) Grant No. 554524/2009-0, R03 equivalent, R$ 152.200,00/4 yr total cost, 09/2010 – 08/2014

2. PI, “Development and Diffusing User Friendly Computational Resources for Complex Big (Bio)Data Analyses” (Pesquisa, desenvolvimento e difusão de modelos computacionais amigáveis para análise de dados biológicos complexos em larga escala), CNPq Grant No. 560254/2010-5, R01 equivalent, R$ 198.400,00/3,5 yr total cost, 03/2011 – 10/2014

3. PI, “In Silico and In Vitro Investigation of the Human Imprintome: Intrinsic and Particular Variability of Imprinted Genes” (Prospecção in silico e in vitro do imprintoma: variabilidades intrínsecas e individuais dos genes impressos humanos), CNPq Grant No. 310705/2010-0, R15 equivalent, R$ 39.600,00/3 yr total cost, 03/2011 – 02/2014

4. Award for Attending Scientific Event (Apoio à Participação em Eventos Científicos no Exterior – AVG), “FASEB Science Research Conference: Biology of Cilia and Flagella”, CNPq Grant No. 450629/2013-9, R13 equivalent, R$ 4.500,00 total cost, 06/2013

** CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - is the primary agency of the federal government responsible for research funding in Brazil, while FINEP (Fundo Nacional de Inovação e Pesquisa - is another important federal
funding agency, both of which provide major scientific and technological research funding through their complementary Extramural Research Programs.

5. PI, “Advancing the DNA Comparative Genomic Imprinting (igcDNA) Technique in Forensics”
(Padronização do método impressão genômica comparativa (igcDNA) para identificação forense), CNPq Grant No. 555149/2010-2, R01 equivalent, R$ 183.006,98/3 yr total cost, 12/2011 – 11/2014

6. PI, “Analysis of Eigengenes on the Combined Etiology DOISm (Diabetes, Obesity, Inflammation and metabolic Syndrome)” (Análise Eigengenes na Etiologia Combinada DOISm [Diabetes, Obesidade, Inflamação e Síndrome Metabólica]), FUNCAP3 Grant Under Call / Edital No. 03/2014 (Programa Estratégico Bolsas de Inovação Tecnológica: Modalidade Mestrado / Doutorado FIT/FUNCAP), F31 equivalent, R$ 36.000,00/1 yr total cost, 11/2014 – 10/2015

8. Co-Investigator, "Isomorphic Semantic Mapping of Genomic Variation Calling Format (VCF)",
Informatics Divison, Pathology Department, University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) (PI: Jonas S. Almeida; Brazilian Research Scholar Emanuel Diego S. Penha), 2,5%, F31 equivalent, U$ 250,000/yr total, 04/2014 – 03/2015

Completed (Only Latest – AFTER 2000)

1. PI, "TILLING Genetic Reverse Strategy in Functional Genomics Studies on Anopheles darlingi, Malaria Vector in the Americas" (Utilização da Estratégia TILLING como Método de Genômica Funcional em Anopheles darlingi, o Vetor da Malária nas Américas), FUNCAP Grant No. 140.01.00/2009 under the Call / Edital 05/2009-FUNCAP-INFRASTRUCTURE, R01 equivalent, R$ 128,200.00/3 yr total, 02/2010 –02/2013

2. PI, "Comparative Genomic Imprinting in DNA Samples as a Forensic Method for Individual Genetic
Identification” (Impressão genômica comparativa de amostras de DNA (igcDNA) como método legal para identificação genética de indivíduos), FUNCAP Grant under the Call / Edital 05/2008-FUNCAP-PUBLIC SAFETY, R01 equivalent, R$ 92,400.00/2 yr total, 03/2009 – 02/2011

3. Co-Investigator, "Complete Genome Sequencing of Anopheles darlingi, Malaria Vector in the Americas –Brazilian National Gene Network - BRGene", (PI: Ana Tereza R. Vasconcelos), CNPq Grant No. 50.0825/05-0, P01 equivalent, 5%, R$ 500,000/5 yr total, 08/2006 – 03/2011

4. PI, “Human Genes on Genomic Imprinting: In Silico Characterization of the Imprintome and Forensic Applications” (Genes Humanos Sujeitos ao Imprinting Genômico: Caracterização In Silico do Imprintoma e Aplicações Forenses), CNPq Grant Under Call / Edital MCT/CNPq N.º 070/2008 - PGAEST (Programa Estratégico Bolsas de Mestrado / Doutorado - CNPq), F31 equivalent, R$ 105.600,00/4 yr total cost, 08/2010 – 07/2013

5. Co-Investigator, "Complete Genome Sequencing of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis – Minas Gerais Genome Consortium – Rede Genoma Minas", (PIs: Guilherme Oliveira and Vasco Azevedo), FAPEMIG**** Grant N.ºs CBB-1181/0 e REDE-186/08, HIH-Fogarty Grant N.º TW007012, P01 equivalent, 8%, R$400,000/3 yr total, 02/2007 – 12/2009

6. PI, "Computational Biology Applied to Developing Scientific Content in Open, Integrated, User-Friendly Platforms” (Biologia Computacional Aplicada ao Desenvolvimento de Conteudos Cientificos-Educacionais em Plataformas Cada Vez Mais Amigaveis, Abertas e Integradas), CNPq Grant N.º 486266/2006-0, under the Call / Edital MCT/CNPq 02/2006 - Universal, R01 equivalent, R$ 50.000,00/ 2 yr total cost, 12/2006 – 11/2008

7. PI, "BioComputational Didactic Games: Blood System and Finding HEMO Game” (Jogos Biocomputacionais: O modelo da circulação sanguínea e o game Procurando HEMO), CNPq Grant N.º 553570/2006-4, under the Call / CT - AÇÃO TRANSVERSAL / Edital MCT/CNPq Nº 12/2006 - Difusão e Popularização da C&T, R01/R25 equivalent, R$ 120.000,00/2 yr total cost, 02/2007 – 01/2009

*** FUNCAP (Fundação Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - is the main local, Ceará State funding agency.

**** FAPEMIG (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais) is the main, local Minas Gerais State research funding agency, one of the Brazilian most important sources of financing academic biomedical investigations.

8. Co-Investigator, "AFLP Genetic Mapping of Farmed Litopenaeus vannamei – Northeastern Brazilian Gene Network on Farmed Shrimp – RGECARCINE", (PI: Maria Raquel Moura Coimbra), FINEP5 Grant N.º 1435/05-0, P01 equivalent, 15%, R$ 300,000/4 yr total, 09/2006 – 10/2009

9. Co-Investigator, "Cowpea and Cashew Proteomes Under Different Stress Conditions – Ceará Statet
Proteome Network, member of the National Proteome Consortium” (Rede Nacional de Proteoma), (PI:
Joaquim Albenisio Gomes da Silveira), FINEP Grant N.º 1520/04-0, P01 equivalent, 12%, R$ 280,000/3 yr total, 03/2005 – 12/2006

10. Co-Investigator, “Proteome Analyses of the host-pathogen interaction in cashew Antracnosis: protein profile identification of the fungus Colletotrichum gloeosporioides” (Análise proteômica da interação patógeno-hospedeiro na antracnose do cajueiro: identificação de proteínas do fungo Colletotrichum gloeosporioides), (PI: Marlos Alves Bezerra), FUNCAP Grant, R01 equivalent, 25%, R$ 140,000/3 yr total, 03/2004 – 12/2006

11. PI, "LeiGO: a Siftware to Order Genes in Leishmania Genomes” (LeiGO: um siftware para ordenação de genes de Leishmania spp.), CNPq Grant N.º 505530/2004-0 under the Call / Edital CT-INFO/MCT/CNPq nº 031/2004, R01 equivalent, R$ 90,426.00/3 yr total, 01/2005 – 12/2007

12. PI, Award to Organize Scientific Event (Apoio à Realização de Eventos - ARC), “III International
Workshop on Nanotechnology in Biological Sciences and Genetics - NANOGEN”, CNPq Grant N.º
452101/2006-9, under the Call / Edital CNPq 01/2006 – ARC, R13 equivalent, R$ 15.000,00 total cost, 04/2007

13. PI, "Biontocode: Ontology of Teleologic Models at Genomic and Proteomic Data” (Biontocode:
Ontologia de Modelos Teleológicos em Dados Genômicos e Proteômicos), CNPq Grant N.º 401988/2003-1 (extended by 506670/2004-0) under the Call / Edital CNPq 04/2003 / Bioinformática aplicada a genômica, metagenômica, proteômica, estrutura, desenho e dinâmica molecular, R01 equivalent, R$ 84.500,00/3 yr total, 01/2004 – 01/2007

14. PI, Award to Organize Scientific Event (Apoio à Realização de Eventos - ARC), “II International
Workshop on Nanotechnology in Biological Sciences and Genetics - NANOGEN”, CNPq Grant N.º
451603/2005-2, under the Call / Edital 03/2005 – ARC, R13 equivalent, R$ 15.000,00 total cost, 11/2005

15. Co-Investigator, Award to Organize Nanotechnology Meeting, “I International Workshop on
Nanotechnology in Biological Sciences and Genetics - NANOGEN” (PI: Raimundo Bezerra da Costa), CNPq Grant Under the Call / Chamada Pública MCT/FINEP/Ação Transversal 4940 - Apoio a Redes e Laboratórios de Nanotecnologia, R13 equivalent, R$ 30.000,00 total cost, 04/2004

16. PI, "Functional Genomics of Leishmania chagasi through In Silico Tools Development” (Análise
genômica funcional de Leishmania chagasi através do desenvolvimento de ferramentas in silico), FINEP Grant N.º 1504/02 under the Call / Edital Verde-Amarelo/Projetos Cooperativos FINEP 05/2002, R01 equivalent, R$ 42.000.00/3 yr total, 03/2003 – 02/2006

17. PI, "Leishmania chagasi Genome Project: ORESTES (ORF ESTs) Sequencing Strategy Within the
Northeastern Genome Program – PROGENE” (Iniciativa Genoma Leishmania chagasi: Assistência e
Estratégia de Sequenciamento ORESTES (ORF ESTs) no PROGENE – Programa Genoma Nordeste), BNB/FUNDECI6 Grant under the AVISO ETENE 2002, R01 equivalent, R$ 68.000,00/3 yr total, 08/2002 – 06/2005

5 Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos (FINEP - Inovação e Pesquisa, is the main Brazilian National funding agency for technological innovation and industry collaboration with academic investigations.

6 Banco do Nordeste do Brasil (BNB) holds a regional funding program (FUNDECI/AVISO ETENE - for
original research in strategic areas.

18. PI, "Leishmania chagasi Genome Project: ORESTES (ORF ESTs) Sequencing Strategy Within the
Northeastern Genome Program – PROGENE” (Iniciativa Genoma Leishmania chagasi: Assistência e
Estratégia de Sequenciamento ORESTES (ORF ESTs) no PROGENE – Programa Genoma Nordeste), FUNCAP Grant N.º 01.2001-PROGENE, R01 equivalent, R$ 310.000,00/5 yr total, 12/2001 – 06/2006

19. Co-Investigator, “Northeastern Genome Program – PROGENE on the Transcriptome of Leishmania chagasi” (PI: Paulo Paes de Andrade), Grants from CNPq, FACEPE and BNB/FUNDECI, P01 equivalent, 25%, R$ 680.000,00/6 yr total, 03/2001 – 06/2006

20. PI, "Molecular Genetics in the Pathology of Animal Tuberculosis: Genome Analysis of Antigens and Granulomatous Response Evaluation Under Nitric Oxide Influence” (Patologia genética molecular nas doenças do grupo da tuberculose animal: análise genômica de antígenos e avaliação da resposta
granulomatogênica no contexto de ação do óxido nítrico), CNPq Grant N.º 463791/2000-2, under the Call / Edital Universal 01/2000 / Edital CNPq - 01/2000 - Faixa B, R01 equivalent, R$ 36.000,00/2 yr total, 08/2001 – 07/2003


1994 – 1995 Comparative Respiratory Society (now Veterinary Comparative Respiratory Society)
1996 – 2001 Brazilian Society of Immunology (Sociedade Brasileira de Imunologia) – SBI
2003 – present Brazilian Association for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (AB3C)
2004 – present International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB)
2011 – present Brazilian Society of Biotechnology (Sociedade Brasileira de Biotecnologia) – SBBiotec
2014 – present Technical Committee on Pattern Recognition for Bioinformatics – IAPR TC-20


a) COSTA, M.P.; OLIVEIRA, D.M. Equipment to evaluate profiles of in vitro delivery within controlled liberating systems. 2007, Brasil. Registry Number: MU87019981, submission date: 02/10/2007, original title: "Equipamento que permite avaliar perfil de liberação in vitro de sistemas de liberação controlada", Registered at: INPI - Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial.

b) SILVA-SANTIAGO, S.C.; OLIVEIRA, D.M.; ROCHA, T.C.L; BRASIL, S.M.V.; VASCONCELOS, E.J.R.; FARIAS, K.M.; MARTIN, C.P.; Oliveira, D.M. Haplotype composition of polymorphisms occurring at certain loci on the human imprintome, as used for multiplex forensics genotyping. 2013. Brasil. Registry Number: BR1020130085774, submission date: 09/04/2013, original title: "Composição Haplotípica de Polimorfismos Presentes em Loci do Imprintoma Humano para Genotipagem Forense Multiplex", Registered at: INPI - Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial.


Editorial Positions and Boards

2005 – 2007 Member, Editorial Board, Print Journal Ciência Animal (UECE, ISSN 0104-3773)
2007 – 2010 Editor-in-Chief, Print Journal Ciência Animal
2010 – 2012 Member, Editorial Board, Electronic Journal Revista Brasileira de Higiene e Sanidade
Animal (ISSN 1981-2965)
2012 –present Member, Scientific Board, Electronic Journal Revista Brasileira de Higiene e Sanidade

Manuscript Peer-Review

2001 - present Ad hoc journal reviewer for:
BMC Bioinformatics,
Molecular BioSystems,
Pattern Recognition Letters,
African Journal of Microbiology Research,
Veterinary Record,
Genetics and Molecular Biology,
Ciência Rural,
Ciência Animal,
Revista Brasileira de Higiene e Sanidade Animal
Grant Reviewer and Consulting Positions

2001 - present Member, CNPq Ad hoc Consulting on Scientific Merit, Universal Research Call; usually 4-6 projects assigned under each yearly Field Program (e.g., “Bioinformatics Resource Centers
and Emerging/Re-Emerging Infectious Disease”), Brasília, DF, Brazil

2002 –present Member, FAPEAM7 Special Emphasis Review Panel, Genomics/Proteomics Permanent Program, usually 1-3 projects assigned under each yearly Field Program, Manaus, AM, Brazil

2003 –present Member, Fundação Araucária Grant Reviewer; usually 1-3 projects assigned under each yearly Field Program, Curitiba, PR, Brazil

2004 –present Member, FUNCAP Grant Reviewer; variable number of projects assigned under different Research Programs, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil

2008 - 2010 Member, Scientific Advisory Board and Grant Reviewer, Dept. Administrativo de Ciencia, Tecnologia y Innovacion - Colciencias de Colombia, COLCIENCIAS, Bogotá, Colombia

2011 –present Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Fundação BioMinas, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
7 FAPEAM (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas - is the main Amazonas State funding agency.



2006 Local Committee Member, ISMB in 2006 (Fortaleza, CE, Brazil)

2006 Local Committee Member, Swiss-Prot 20th Anniversary Meeting in 2006 (Fortaleza, Brazil)

2006 Local Committee Member, AB3C - X Meeting in 2006 (Fortaleza, CE, Brazil)

2007 – 2010 Member, National Committee for Northeastern Brazil Nanotechnology Area (Comitê Gestor de Nanotecnologia do CETENE - Centro de Tecnologias Estratégicas do Nordeste), Ministry
of Science and Technology, MCT

2008 –present Program Committee Member, Annual AB3C - X Meeting

2008 Program Committee Member, BIOCOMP'08 - The 2008 International Conference on
Bioinformatics & Computational Biology; Bioinformatics and Applied Genomics in Latin
America - session chair, 2008.

2009 Program Committee Member, IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation. Special Session
on Evolutionary Computation in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2009.

2013 Program Committee Member of Evolutionary Computation – Bioinformatics Track 2013

2013 Program Committee Member and Reviewer, PRIB (Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics)
Annual Conference; 17-20 June, 2013, Nice, France, 8th IAPR Conference on Pattern
Recognition in Bioinformatics

2014 Program Committee Member and Reviewer, PRIB 2014, August 21-23, Stockholm, Sweden,
9th IAPR Conference on Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics


Institutional (At State University of Ceará, UECE, Fortaleza, Brazil)

1988 - 2010 Started as Teaching Assistant, then, Assistant Professor and, lastly, Associate Professor,
Department of Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary School (Faculdade de Veterinária, FAVET),
UECE, Fortaleza. Lecturer on:

i) Veterinary Anatomic Pathology – on regular basis, each semester; 08 hours/week;
ii) General Pathology - on regular basis, each semester; 06 hours/week;
iii) Post Mortem Diagnosis – on often basis, not regularly offered; 04 hours/week;
iv) Veterinary Forensics – on often basis, not regularly offered; 04 hours/week;
v) Cellular and Molecular Biology - on often basis; 04 hours/week;

2010 - present Associate Professor, Department of Nutrition, Health Center Sciences (Centro de Ciências da Saúde – CCS), UECE, Fortaleza, Brazil. Lecturer on:

i) General Pathology - on regular basis, each semester; 06 hours/week; and
ii) Cellular and Molecular Biology - on often basis; 04 hours/week
2008 – present Graduate Courses Lecturer on Biotechnology PhD Program (RENORBIO):
i) Bioinformatics 101 course – on regular basis, each semester; 03 hours/week;
ii) Health Bioinformatics - on regular basis, each semester; 04 hours/week;
iii) Nutritional Control of Gene Expression - on often basis, 04 hours/week; Crosslisted
with the Nutrition and Health Master’s Program, UECE, Fortaleza,

2011 – present Graduate Courses Lecturer on Nutrition and Health Master’s Program (CMANS):

i) Nutritional Control of Gene Expression - on often basis, 04 hours/week; Crosslisted
with the Biotechnology PhD Program (RENORBIO), UECE, Fortaleza, Brazil;
ii) Scientific Research Methodology - on regular basis, each semester; 02 hours/week.
At University of Fortaleza (UNIFOR), Fortaleza, Brazil

2000-2002 Full Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Health Center Sciences (Centro de
Ciências da Saúde – CCS), UNIFOR, Fortaleza, Brazil. Lecturer on:

i) Molecular Biology - on regular basis, each semester; 06 hours/week; and
ii) Genetics and Evolution - on regular basis, each semester; 04 hours/week


Postdoctoral fellows:
a. Élidamar Nunes, 2007 - 2008
b. Elton José Rosas Vasconcelos, 2011 - 2012
c. Samara Cardoso da Silva-Santiago, 2014 - 2015
d. Daniele Santoni, 2007 (predoctoral visiting scientist)

Mentoring Master’s Degree Dissertations:
a. Alethéia Carízio Baracho de Lima, 2001 - 2002 (co-mentored with Sônia Pinheiro Oliveira)
b. Ana Carolina Landim Pacheco, 2003 - 2004 (co-mentored with Sônia Pinheiro Oliveira)
c. Daniel de Araújo Viana, 2005 - 2007 (co-mentored with Dácio Rocha Filho)
d. Angela Maria Alves Pinheiro, 2007 - 2008 (co-mentored with Bernadete F. Lóscio)
e. Fabiana Freire de Araújo, 2008 - 2009 (co-mentored with Bernadete F. Lóscio)
f. Eliana Matos Ribeiro, 2007 - 2009 (co-mentored with Renato Moreira)
g. Ana Paula Moreira Bezerra, 2012 - 2014
h. Emmanuel Diego dos Santos Penha, 2013 – 2015
i. Francisco José Diogo da Silva Jr., 2014 - 2015

Mentoring PhD Theses:
a. Samara Cardoso da Silva, 2006-2007, Ph.D. in Biotechnology, 2010-2013
b. Ana Carolina Landim Pacheco, Ph.D. in Biotechnology, 2008-2011
c. Michely Correia Diniz, Ph.D. in Biotechnology, 2008-2011
d. Marcília Pinheiro Costa, 2007-2010, Ph.D. in Biotechnology (co-mentored with Maria Fátima Silva

Supervising Rotation Students:
- Over 30 students mentored from different Undergraduate or Graduate Courses with distinct scientific
projects in which I advised (please refer to the section Orientações de Outra Natureza on Full Online CV at:

Supervising Undergraduate Students
- Over 60 students mentored as Scientific Initiation Fellows (please refer to the section Orientações de
Iniciação Científica on Full Online CV at:


1. Invited speaker, “Nutrigenomics Research on Non-Transmissible Chronic Diseases”, Welcome Seminar for Nutrition Undergraduate Students, UECE, Fortaleza, September 2014 (Portuguese)

2. Invited speaker, “Dissecting Bioinformatics Via Genomics and Computer Science: When Prediction
Means Diagnosis”, Annual Seminar in Computer Science – SECOMP, UECE, Fortaleza, May 2014

3. Invited seminar, “Imprinted Human Genes as Resources in Forensic Genetics”, II Biotechnology
Workshop from University to Industry, Fortaleza, November 2011 (Portuguese)

4. Invited speaker, “Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics: Scenarios, Interfaces and Frontiers”, 9o. Fórum de Pesquisa em Nutrição, University of Fortaleza (UNIFOR), Fortaleza, October 2011 (Portuguese)

5. Invited speaker, “Examples of Pathogen Genomics Demanded Applications in Next Gen Sequencing”, AB Innovation Summit 2009, Applied Biosystems Meeting on SOLiD, São Paulo, May 2009 (Portuguese)

6. Invited seminar, “NanoScience and Nanotechnology: Applications in Veterinary Medicine” (Nanociência e Nanotecnologia: Aplicações na Medicina Veterinária), 36th Brazilian Congress of Veterinary Medicine (36o Congresso Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária – CONBRAVET), Porto Seguro, BA, Brazil, November 2009 (Portuguese)

7. Invited speaker, “Opening Remarks in Animal Genomics: As We Stand Before Starting”, Workshop in Animal Genomics, Rede Genômica Animal, EMBRAPA, Fortaleza, November 2009 (Portuguese)

8. Invited speaker, “Nuevos indicadores para producción, procesamiento y análisis de información genómica: nuevas demandas de Biologia Computacional”, 13o Congreso Latinoamericano de Genetica, Lima, Peru, May 2008 (Spanish)

9. Invited seminar, “Actin-Interacting and Flagellar Proteins in Leishmania spp.: Bioinformatics Predictions to Functional Assignments in Phagosome Formation”, AB3C / X-Meeting – 4th Annual Conference of the Brazilian Association for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Salvador, September 2008 (English)

10. Invited speaker, “Progress in molecular detection of animal pathologies: even better predicting
phenotypes from more precise genotypes“, II Brazilian National Congress of Small Animal Veterinary
Medicine (II Congresso Nacional de Medinina Veterinária para Pequenos Animais), Fortaleza, September 2008 (Portuguese)

11. Invited seminar, “Nutrigenomics in Modern Veterinary Medicine”, 1st Brazilian Congress of Animal Nutrition (I Congresso Brasileiro de Nutrição Animal), Fortaleza, June 2008 (Portuguese)

12. Invited speaker, “Bioinformatics Software as Essential Tools for Modern Biochemistry Research”
(Programas de bioinformática como ferramentas estratégicas e indispensáveis na moderna pesquisa
bioquímica), IX Regional Meeting of SBBq – Brazilian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology / I Regional Workshop on Health Informatics (IX Reunião Regional da Sociedade Brasileira de Bioquímica e Biologia Molecular), Fortaleza, December 2008 (Portuguese)

13. Invited seminar, “Mathematical Methods in Genomics and Proteomics: How Comparative Genomics of Flagellated Protozoa Might Contribute to the Study of Their Causing Neglected Diseases” (Métodos Matemáticos em Genômica e Proteômica."Como a genômica comparativa de protozoários flagelados pode contribuir no estudo das doenças negligenciadas por eles causadas), Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Federal University of Ceará - UFC, Fortaleza, April 2007 (Portuguese)

14. Invited speaker, “Bioinformatics and Computational Biology”, Annual Seminar in Computer Science –SECOMP, UECE, Fortaleza, March 2007 (Portuguese)

15. Invited speaker, “Genome Sequencing of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis and Diagnostics
Implications for Caseous Lymphadenitis” (Sequenciamento do Genoma do Corynebacterium
pseudotuberculosis e as Implicações no Diagnóstico e Controle da Linfadenite Caseosa), II Simposio de
Higiene e Sanidade Animal, Fortaleza, August 2007 (Portuguese)

16. Invited speaker, "Assembly and Functioning of Eukaryotic Flagellum: A Tale by 650 Proteins Unveiled at Proteomics Era” (Montagem, manutenção e atividade do flagelo eucariótico: Uma história protagonizada por cerca de 650 proteínas desvendadas na era proteômica), Colloquia from the Graduation Program in Chemistry, Chemistry Dept., Federal Univ. of Pernambuco – UFPE, Recife, PE, October 2007 (Portuguese)

17. Invited speaker, “Pathogenomics of Leishmania chagasi: in search for flagellar virulence factors”,
Seminars of the Proteomics and Bioinformatics Program, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, March 2004 (English)

18. Invited speaker, “Computational Biology: The Bioinformatics Side” (Biologia Computacional: Uma Visão da Bioinformática), Annual Seminar in Computer Science – SECOMP, UECE, Fortaleza, February 2003 (Portuguese)

19. Invited speaker, “The Pharmacogenomics Advent” (O Advento da Farmacogenômica), II Ceará State Congress of Pharmacists (II Congresso Cearense de Farmacêuticos), University of Fortaleza – UNIFOR, Fortaleza, March 2001 (Portuguese)


1. Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Association for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology - AB3C, X Meeting/ BSB 2013 9th International Conference, Recife, PE, Brazil. November 2013

2. 2012 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania. U.S., October 2012

3. Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Association for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology - AB3C, X Meeting 2011, 7th International Conference, Florianopolis, SC, Brazil, October 2011

4. Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Association for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology - AB3C, X Meeting 2009, 5th International Conference, Angra dos Reis, RJ, Brazil, October 2009

5. Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Association for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology - AB3C, X Meeting 2008, 4th International Conference, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, September 2008

6. 23rd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC) - Bioinformatics Track, Fortaleza, CE, March 2008

7. Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Association for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology - AB3C, Xmeeting 2008, 3rd International Conference, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil, November 2007

8. 33rd Very Large Data Bases (VLDB) Conference - Workshop on Data Mining in Bioinformatics, 2007, Vienna, Austria, July 2007

9. 7th IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering BIBE, 2007, Boston, MA, U.S., October 2007

10. 14th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology – ISMB 2006 / 2nd Annual AB3C Conference, X-Meeting, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil, August 2006

11. International Conference NO Brazil, Basic and Clinical Aspects of Nitric Oxide, 1999, Foz do Iguaçu, PR, Brazil, March 1999

12. Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Immunology – SBI, XXI Reunião Anual da Sociedade
Brasileira de Imunologia, Angra dos Reis, RJ, Brazil, Novembro 1996

13. Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Immunology – SBI, XXIV Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Imunologia, Águas de Lindóia, SP, Brazil, October 1999

14. VI International Congress of Veterinary Medicine In Portuguese Language, Salvador, BA, Brazil,
October 1993 (Portuguese)


1. “Debate on Nanotechnology Applied to Biological Science”, 40 minutes live interview with two other guests at the State Federal University – UFC FM Radio 107,9 MHz, Fortaleza, CE, April 6th, 2007

2. “DNA Sequencing Facility Nucleo de Genomica e Bioinformatica - NUGEN”, Extensive chronicle (Full Page) interview at the largest local daily newspaper O POVO, Fortaleza, CE. Brazil, November 10th, 2007

3. “Genome Research in Ceará”, 10 minutes live interview with full images edition for a local TV station in Fortaleza, TV Diário, August, 2005

4. “The DNA Sequencing Facility Nucleo de Genomica e Bioinformatica - NUGEN”, 20 minutes taped interview with lab images edition for the largest local TV station in Fortaleza, TV Verdes Mares, “Nordeste Rural”, Sunday morning TV show, August, 2003


Registered Computer Programs / Applets

1. CUNHA, A.C.; ALVES, R.M.; ALVES, C.E.M.; MAIA, I.M.C.; OLIVEIRA, D.M. Finding Hemo – Education Game (“Procurando Hemo / Hemoção: Jogo Eletrônico Educativo). 2008. Institution: INPI - Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Registered). Portuguese

OLIVEIRA, D.M. PHYLOTREE: An Integrated and Automatic Tool to Generate Phylogenetic Trees. 2008. INPI - Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Registered).

3 SANTOS, G.A.C.; MAIA, I.M.C.; MEDEIROS, S.R.; OLIVEIRA, D.M. HiperMuscle - A friendly, graphical user interface improvement for the multiple sequence alignment tool MUSCLE. 2009. (Not Registed). Portuguese

4. ARAUJO, F.F.; OLIVEIRA, D.M. EasyBioDB: a pipeline for biological databases. UNDER
DEVELOPMENT (2014-PRESENT) at BIOINFORMATICS.ORG Project Unix Name: easybiodb.
Web Directory: ~/public_html/easybiodb/;


Selected Peer Reviewed Publications

Imprintome V1.0: Over 120 Genes Imprinted in the Human Genome Impose A Major Review On Previous Censuses. International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics, v.10, p.329 - 356, 2014.

2. TIWARI, S., COSTA, M. P., ALMEIDA, S., HASSAN, S.S., JAMAL, S.B., OLIVEIRA, A., FOLADOR, E.L, ROCHA, F., ABREU, V.A.C., DORELLA, F., HIRATA, R., OLIVEIRA, D.M., SILVA TEIXEIRA, M.F., SILVA, A., BARH, D., AZEVEDO, V. C. pseudotuberculosis Phop confers virulence and may be targeted by natural compounds. Integrative Biology: a new journal of quantitative biosciences from nano to macro, v.6, p.976 -, 2014.

3. MARINOTTI, O., CERQUEIRA, G., PACHECO, A.C.L., VASCONCELOS, A.T.R., OLIVEIRA, D.M., et al. The Genome of Anopheles darlingi, the main neotropical malaria vector. Nucleic Acids Research, p.130 -, 2013.

4. BEZERRA, A.P.M., OLIVEIRA, D.M. Síndrome Metabólica: Bases Moleculares e Fundamentos da Interação com Obesidade. DEMETRA: Alimentação, Nutrição & Saúde, v.8, p.63 - 76, 2013. (Portuguese)

5. BEZERRA, A.P.M., SILVA-SANTIAGO, S.C., VASCONCELOS, E.J.R., PACHECO, A.C.L., SILVA, M.M., OLIVEIRA, D.M. In Silico Analyses of Human Genes Involved in the Diabesin Triad (Diabetes, Obesity and Inflammation) and their Association to Imprinted Genes. Journal of Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics, v.5, p.222 - 222, 2012.

6. DINIZ, M.C., PACHECO, A.C.L., FARIAS, K.M., OLIVEIRA, D.M. The Eukaryotic Flagellum Makes the Day: Novel and Unforeseen Roles Uncovered After Post-Genomics and Proteomics Data. Current Protein and Peptide Science, v.13, p.524 - 546, 2012.

7. MAGGIONI, R., COIMBRA, M.R.M., COSTA, R.B., DINIZ, F.M., MOLINA, W.F., OLIVEIRA, D.M., PUCHNICK-LEGAT, A. Genetic variability of marine shrimp in the Brazilian industry. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, v.48, p.968 - 974, 2013.

8. LOPES, D.O., et al., OLIVEIRA, D.M., et al. Evidence for Reductive Genome Evolution and Lateral Acquisition of Virulence Functions in Two Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis Strains. Plos One, v.6, p.e18551 - , 2011.

9. MORAES, G., AZEVEDO, V., COSTA, M., MIYOSHI, A., SILVA, A., SILVA, V., OLIVEIRA, D.M., TEIXEIRA, M.F., LAMEIRA, J., ALVES, C.N. Homology modeling, molecular dynamics and QM/MM study of the regulatory protein PhoP from Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis. Journal of Molecular Modeling, p.1549 -, 2011.

OLIVEIRA, D.M., TEIXEIRA, MFS, LASKOWSKA, E., LIPINSKA, B., MEYER, R., PORTELA, R.W., OLIVEIRA, S.C., MIYOSHI, A., AZEVEDO, V. A. Molecular characterization of the Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis hsp60-hsp10 operon, and evaluation of the immune response and protective efficacy induced by hsp60 DNA vaccination in mice. BMC Research Notes, v.4, p.243 -, 2011.

FREIRE, F.A.M., KAMIMRA, M.T., OLIVEIRA, D.M., ROCHA, M.F.G. The effects of the fungus
Metarhizium anisopliae var. acridum on different stages of Lutzomyia longipalpis (Diptera: Psychodidae). Acta Tropica, v.113, p.214 - 220, 2010.

12. DINIZ, M.C., PACHECO, A.C.L., GIRÃO, K.T., ARAUJO, F.F., WALTER, C.A., OLIVEIRA, D.M. The Tetratricopeptide Repeats (TPR)-like Superfamily of Proteins in Leishmania spp., as Revealed by Multi-Relational Data Mining. Pattern Recognition Letters, v.31, p.120 - 148, 2010.

13. DINIZ, M.C., COSTA, M.P., PACHECO, A.C.L., KAMIMURA, M.T., SILVA, S.C., CARNEIRO, L.D.G., LIMA, A.P.S., SOARES, C.E.A., SOUZA, C.S.F., OLIVEIRA, D.M. Actin-interacting and flagellar proteins in Leishmania spp.: bioinformatics predictions to functional assignments in phagosome formation. Genetics and Molecular Biology, v.32, p.652 - 665, 2009.

14. AMÓRA, S.S.S., BEVILAQUA, C.M.L., et al., OLIVEIRA, D.M. Evaluation of the fungus Beauveria bassiana (Deuteromycotina: Hyphomycetes), a potential biological control agent of Lutzomyia longipalpis (Diptera, Psychodidae). Biological Control, v.50, p.329 - 335, 2009.

15. PACHECO, A.C.L., et al., OLIVEIRA, D.M. Hidden Markov models and the Viterbi algorithm applied to integrated bioinformatics analyses of putative flagellar actin-interacting proteins in Leishmania spp.. International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology, v.1, p.420 - 436, 2009.

16. VASCONCELOS, E.J.R., PACHECO, A.C.L., GOUVEIA, J.J.S., ARAUJO, F.F., DINIZ, M.C., KAMIMURA, M.T., COSTA, M.P., FILHO, R.A., OLIVEIRA, D.M. Actin-Interacting Proteins in flagellated pathogenic Leishmania spp.: a genome-based bioinformatics report on profilins, formins and katanins. International Journal of Functional Informatics and Personalised Medicine, v.1, p.234 - 252, 2008.

17. DINIZ, M.C., FARIAS, K.M., PACHECO, A.C.L., VIANA, D.A., ARAÚJO-FILHO, R., LIMA, A.P.S., WALTER, C.A, TOME, A.R., OLIVEIRA, D.M. Análise Genômica de Burkholderia mallei e Burkholderia pseudomallei: Dois Patógenos de Primeira Grandeza e de Genomas Surpreendentemente Complexos. Revista Brasileira de Higiene e Sanidade Animal, v.2, p.1 - 36, 2008. (Portuguese)

18. FEIJO, R.G., KAMIMURA, M.T., OLIVEIRA, D.M., COSTA, R.B., FURTADO-NETO, M.A.A., COELHO, M.G.L., MAGGIONI, R. Avaliação da variabilidade genética do vírus da infecção hipodermal e necrose hematopoiética (IHHNV) no camarão rosa, Farfantepenaeus subtilis, infectado experimentalmente. Arquivos de Ciências do Mar, v.41, p.113 - 117, 2008. (Portuguese)

19. OLIVEIRA, D.M., SILVA, M.C. Sobre Animais Abandonados e Pessoas que Lidam com Eles: O Papel dos Clínicos Veterinários: Uma Revisão. Revista Brasileira de Higiene e Sanidade Animal, v.02, p.59 - 80, 2008. (Portuguese)

MAGGIONI, R., COSTA, R.B., OLIVEIRA, D.M. Variabilidade genética do locus McM527 em duas variedades de ovinos da raça Morada Nova. Ciência Animal (UECE), v.18, p.41 - 48, 2008. (Portuguese)

21. PACHECO, A.C.L. OLIVEIRA, S.M.P., GOUVEIA, J.J.S., DINIZ, M.C., VASCONCELOS, E.J.R., VIANA, D.A., ROSINHA, G.M.S., MAGGIONI, R., COSTA, R.B., OLIVEIRA, D.M. Analysis of prion protein gene (PRNP) polymorphisms in healthy Brazilian sheep reveals the presence of genotypes susceptible to scrapie. Ciência Animal (UECE), v.17, p.27 - 36, 2007. (English)

22. VIANA, D.A., PACHECO, A.C.L., DINIZ, N.B., CARVALHO, P.R.L., CHAGAS, J.L., LIMA, A.P., OLIVEIRA, D.M. Contribuição ao Diagnóstico Diferencial entre Peste Suína Clássica (PSC) e Salmonelose: Análise Patológica revela lesões-chave para determinação etiológica. Revista Brasileira de Higiene e Sanidade Animal, v.1, p.1 - 13, 2007. (Portuguese)

23. GOUVEIA, J.J.S., VASCONCELOS, E.J.R., PACHECO, A.C.L., ARAÚJO-FILHO, R., MAIA, A.R.S., KAMIMURA, M.T., COSTA, M.P., COSTA, R.B., VIANA, D.A., MAGGIONI, R., OLIVEIRA, D.M. Intraflagellar Transport (IFT) Complex in Leishmania spp.: In Silico Genome-Wide Screens and Annotation of Gene Function. Genetics and Molecular Research, v.6, p.766 - 798, 2007.

24. LIMA, A.C.; BOSSERS, A.; SOUZA, C.; OLIVEIRA, S.M.P.; OLIVEIRA, D.M. PrP genotypes in a pedigree flock of Santa Inês sheep. Veterinary Record, v.160, p.336 - 337, 2007.

25. MAGGIONI, R., COIMBRA, R., COSTA, R.B., OLIVEIRA, D.M., et al. Genética de camarões:
Marcadores de DNA já podem identificar diferentes plantéis de camarões criados no Brasil. Panorama da Aqüicultura, v.98, p.44 - 49, 2006. (Portuguese)

26. OLIVEIRA, D.M., GOUVEIA, J.J.S., DINIZ, N.B., PACHECO, A.C.L., VASCONCELOS, E.J.R., DINIZ, M.C., VIANA, D.A., FERREIRA, T.D., ALBUQUERQUE, M.C., FORTIER, D.C.; et al. Pathogenomics analysis of Leishmania spp.: flagellar gene families of putative virulence factors. OMICS: Journal of Integrative Biology, v.9, p.173 - 193, 2005.

27. ALENCAR, M.M.A., PINTO, M.T., OLIVEIRA, D.M., PESSOA, A.W.P., GOMES, C.V., CANDIDO, I.A., COELHO, H.S.M., ROCHA, M.F.G. Margem de segurança do meloxicam em cães: efeitos deletérios nas células sangüíneas e trato gastrintestinal. Ciência Rural, v.33, p.525 - 532, 2003. (Portuguese)

28. ALENCAR, M.M.A., PINTO, M.T., OLIVEIRA, D.M., PESSOA, A.W.P., CANDIDO, I.A., GOMES, C.V., COELHO, H.S.M., ROCHA, M.F.G. Evaluation of the pharmacologic activity of meloxicam on renal function in dogs. Ciência Animal, v.12, p.25 - 33, 2002. (Portuguese)

29. OLIVEIRA, D.M., SILVA-TEIXEIRA, D.N., GUSTAVSON, S., OLIVEIRA, S.M.P., GOES, A.M. Nitric oxide interaction with IL-10, MIP-1apha, MCP-1 and RANTES over the in vitro granuloma formation against Schistosoma mansoni antigenic preparations on human schistosomiasis. Parasitology (London), v.120, p.563 - 570, 2000.

stimulation is more efficient than LPS in inducing nitric oxide production by human mononuclear cells on the in vitro granuloma reaction in schistosomiasis. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, v.32, p.1437 - 1445, 1999.

31. OLIVEIRA, D.M., SILVA-TEIXEIRA, D.N., GOES, A.M. Evidence for nitric oxide action on in vitro granuloma formation and pivotal changes in MIP-1alpha and IL-10 release in human schistosomiasis. Nitric Oxide. Biology and Chemistry, v.3, p.162 - 171, 1999.

32. OLIVEIRA, D.M., GUSTAVSON, S., SILVATEIXEIRA, D.N., GOES, A.M. Nitric oxide and IL-10 production induced by PIII - a fraction of Schistosoma mansoni adult worm antigenic preparation -associated with downregulation of in vitro granuloma formation. Human Immunology, v.60, p.305 - 311,1999.

33. OLIVEIRA, D.M., CARMO, S.A., SILVATEIXEIRA, D.N., GOES, A.M. Immunization with PIII, a fraction of Schistosoma mansoni soluble adult worm antigenic preparation, affects nitric oxide production by murine spleen cells. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, v.93, p.175 - 180, 1998.

34. OLIVEIRA, D.M., SILVATEIXEIRA, D.N., CARMO, S.A., GOES, A.M. Role of nitric oxide on human schistosomiasis mansoni: upregulation of in vitro granuloma formation by N - Nitro-L-arginine methyl ester. Nitric Oxide. Biology and Chemistry, v.2, p.57 - 65, 1998.


35. PACHECO, A.C.L., DINIZ, M.C., MORAES, K.M., et al., OLIVEIRA, D.M. Radial Spoke Proteins Are Predicted in Leishmania spp. After Multi-Relational Data Mining and Proteome Screening for Proteomics (Submitted to Proteomics).

36. BEZERRA, A.P.M., SILVA-SANTIAGO, S.C., PENHA, E.D.S., SILVA JR., J.F.D., SILVEIRA M.M., RAMOS, M.S., SILVA M.M., PACHECO, A.C.L., OLIVEIRA, D.M. Confluence of Genes Related to the Combined Etiology DOISm (Diabetes, Obesity, Inflammation and Metabolic Syndrome) in Dissecting Nutritional Phenotypes (Submitted to International Journal of Obesity).

Bioinformatics predictions to functional assignments in Anopheles darlingi genome: Annotation of members on TOR nutritional signaling pathway (Submitted to Protein & Peptide Letters).

38. PACHECO, A.C.L., SILVA M.M., FARIAS, K.M., OLIVEIRA, D.M. Anopheles darlingi genes
encoding putative hemocyte-related proteins that are members of the Toll/Rel1/Cactus immune signaling pathway (To Be Submitted Soon).

39. FARIAS, K.M., GIRÃO, K.T., PACHECO, A.C.L., DINIZ, M.C., SOUZA, S.S., TEIXEIRA, J., STAATS, C., PINTO, P., OLIVEIRA, D.M. Mining Genes of WD-40 Superfamily in Leishmania through Hidden Markov Models and Natural Clustering Methods (manuscript in preparation).

40. ARAUJO, F.F., OLIVEIRA, D.M. EasyBioDB: a pipeline for biological databases (manuscript in

Book chapters

KAMIMURA, M.T.; MAIA, I.M.C.; SILVA, S.C.; SILVA, M.C.; DINIZ, M.C.; PACHECO, A.C.L.; OLIVEIRA, D.M. Multi-relational Data Mining for Tetratricopeptide Repeats (TPR)-Like Superfamily Members in Leishmania spp.: Acting-by-Connecting Proteins. In: Madhu Chetty; Jagath C. Rajapakse; James Bailey; Bertil Schmidt; Wolfgang Müller-Wittig; Ramesh Ram. (Org.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2008, v. 5265, p. 359-372. Germany: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2008, v.5265, p. 359-372. ISBN: 540-88436-1,

2. CECCATO, V.M.; OLIVEIRA, D.M; MORAES, S.M.D.; RIBEIRO J.R., H.L. DO QUATERNÁRIO PARA O BINÁRIO: DE A-G-C-T PARA 1 OU 0. In: José Rogério Santana; José Gerardo Vasconcelos; Vania Marilande Ceccatto; Francisco Herbert Lima Vasconcelos; Júlio Wilson Ribeiro. (Org.). Inovações, Cibercultura e Educação. 1ed., Fortaleza, CE: Edições UFC, 2011, p. 3-301. (Portuguese)

3. OLIVEIRA, D.M.; SILVATEIXEIRA, D.N.; GOES, A.M. Natural infection with Schistosoma mansion decreases nitric oxide production by human mononuclear cells on the in vitro granuloma reaction. In: S Moncada; LE Gustafsson; NP Wiklund and EA Higgs. (Org.). The Biology of Nitric Oxide. London, England: Portland Press Ltd, 2000, v. 7, p. 124-128, 2000

Conference proceedings papers (complete)

1. SILVA-SANTIAGO, S.C.; VASCONCELOS, E.J.R.; PACHECO, A.C.L.; BRASIL, S.M.V.; ROCHA, T.C.L.; OLIVEIRA, D.M. The Human Imprintome V1.0: Over 120 Genes Imprinted in The Human Genome Impose a Major Review On Previous Censuses. In: The 2012 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), 2012, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Proceedings 2012 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), 2012.

2. PENHA, E.D.S., BEZERRA, A.P.M., MARTIN, C.P., SILVA-SANTIAGO, S.C., FARIAS, K.M., SILVA, M.M., PACHECO, ACL, ARAUJO, F.F., OLIVEIRA, D.M. Human Genes As Candidates to Subtyping of Complex Phenotypes in the Combined Etiology DOISm (Diabetes, Obesity, Inflammation and Metabolic Syndrome) In: X-meeting/BSB 2013 Conference, 2013, Recife, PE. Proceedings of X Meeting 2013, 2013. []

3. PINHEIRO, D. P., OLIVEIRA, F. C. E., MEDEIROS, S. R., SILVA, S. C., Pacheco, ACL, KAMIMURA, M. T., COSTA, R. B., OLIVEIRA, D. M., MAGGIONI, R. Variabilidad Genética del locus McM527 en dos variedades de ovinos de la raza Morada Nova In: 13º Congreso Latinoamericano de Genética / VI Congreso Peruano de Genética, 2008, Lima, Peru. Anales del 13º Congreso Latinoamericano de Genética. Lima, Peru: Asociación Latinoamericana de Genética(ALAG), 2008. Peru/Español []

SOUZA, C.S.F.; STAATS, C.C.; PINTO, P.M.; OLIVEIRA, D.M. Proteome screening, homology
modeling of hypothetical genes and nanoscale imaging of Leishmania flagellum are used to identify radial spoke proteins. In: X Meeting 2011 - 7th International Conference of the Brazilian Association for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology - AB3C, 2011, Florianopolis, SC. Proceedings of 7th
International Conference of the Brazilian Association for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2011.

5. ARAUJO, F.F.; PINHEIRO, A.M.A; FARIAS, K.M.; LOSCIO, B.F.; OLIVEIRA, D.M. FlagelLink: A Decision Support System for Distributed Flagellar Data using Data Warehouse. In: The 23rd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC) - Bioinformatics Track, 2008, Fortaleza, CE. Proceedings of The 23rd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC) -Bioinformatics Track. New York, NY: ACM Press (ACM Digital Library), 2008. v. 7. p. 1268-1272.

6. SANTOS, G.A.C.; MAIA, I.M.C.; ARAUJO, F.F.; Pacheco, A.C.L.; MEDEIROS, S.R.; GADELHA,C.R.F.; SILVA, S.C.; ARAÚJO-FILHO, R.; OLIVEIRA, D.M. HiperMUSCLE: An Intuitive Graphical User Interface for the Multiple Sequence Alignment Program MUSCLE (Edgar, 2004). In: BIOCOMP'08 - The 2008 International Conference on Bioinformatics & Computational Biology, 2008, Las Vegas, EUA. Proceedings of BIOCOMP'08 - The 2008 International Conference on Bioinformatics & Computational Biology, 2008.

7. GIRAO, K.T.; OLIVEIRA, F.C.E.; FARIAS, K.M.; MAIA, I.M.C.; SILVA, S.C.; GADELHA, C.R.F.; CARNEIRO, LAURA D.G.; PACHECO, ACL; KAMIMURA, M.T.; DINIZ, M.C.; SILVA, M.C.; OLIVEIRA, D.M. Multi-Relational Data Mining for Tetratricopeptide Repeats (TPR)-like Superfamily Members in Leishmania spp.: Acting-by-Connecting Proteins. In: Third IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics (PRIB 2008), 2008, Melbourne, Australia. PRIB 2008 Proceedings at Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics, Berlin / Heidelberg: Springer, 2008. v. 5265. p. 359-372.

21 KAMIMURA, M.T.; COSTA, M.P.; MAGGIONI, R.; ARAÚJO-FILHO, R.; COSTA, R.B.; OLIVEIRA, D.M. Profilins, Formins and Katanins as Flagellar Proteins of Leishmania spp.: a Genome-based, Multi-step Bioinformatics-driven Description. In: 7th IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering BIBE, 2007, Boston, MA. Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering BIBE, 2007, v. 2. p. 880-887.

9. PACHECO, A.C.L.; ARAUJO, F.F.; KAMIMURA, M.T.; MEDEIROS, S.R.; VIANA, D.A.; OLIVEIRA, F.C.E.; ARAÚJOFILHO, R.; COSTA, M.P.; OLIVEIRA, D.M. Following the Viterbi Path to Deduce Flagellar Actin-Interacting Proteins of Leishmania spp.: Report on Cofilins and Twinfilins. In: COMPUTATIONAL MODELS FOR LIFE SCIENCES - CMLS '07: 2007 International Symposium on Computational Models of Life Sciences, 2007, Queensland, Australia. AIP Proceedings of CMLS '07: 2007 International Symposium on Computational Models of Life Sciences. Melville, NY: American Institute of Physics - AIP Conference Proceedings, 2007. v. 952. p. 315-324.

10. GIRAO, K.T.; ARAUJO, F.F.; COSTA, M.P.; Pacheco, ACL; ARAÚJO-FILHO, R.; VIANA, D.A.; COSTA, R.B.; MAGGIONI, R.; OLIVEIRA, D.M. Mining Genes of WD-40 Superfamily in Leishmania through Hidden Markov and Natural Clustering Methods. In: 33rd Very Large Data Bases (VLDB) Conference - Workshop on Data Mining in Bioinformatics, 2007, Vienna, Austria. Proceedings of the 33rd Very Large Data Bases (VLDB) Conference - Workshop on Data Mining in Bioinformatics, 2007.

11. COSTA, M.P.; LUCAS, H.R.; MAIA, A.R.S.; Pacheco, ACL; PINHEIRO, D.P.; KAMIMURA, M.T.; ARAÚJO-FILHO, R.; OLIVEIRA, D.M. Flagellar Proteins Prediction After Sequence-Structure Alignments of Coronin and Arp2/3 Complex in Leishmania spp.. In: IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM 2007) - CSBW - Workshop on Computational Structural Bioinformatics, 2007, San Jose, California. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM 2007) - CSBW - Workshop on Computational Structural Bioinformatics. Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE Press, 2007. v.1, p. 80-88.

MAGGIONI, R.; OLIVEIRA, D.M. Software usage testing for studies of genetic variability in marine
shrimp aquaculture. In: 14th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Computational Biology -
ISMB 2006, Fortaleza, CE. Proceedings of the 14th Annual Meeting of the International Society for
Computational Biology - ISMB 2006.

13. OLIVEIRA, D.M.; SILVATEIXEIRA, D.N.; ARAÚJO-FILHO, R.; GOES, A.M. Antigenic stimulation is more efficient than LPS in inducing nitric oxide production by human mononuclear cells on the in vitro granuloma reaction in Schistosomiasis. In: NO Brazil, Basic and Clinical Aspects of Nitric Oxide, 1999, Foz do Iguaçu, PR. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (Impresso). Ribeirão Preto, SP: Editora da FMRB, USP, 1999. v. 32. p. 1437-1445.

14. OLIVEIRA, D. M. Mediadores químicos na lesão pulmonar. In: VI Congresso Internacional de
Medicina Veterinária em Língua Portuguesa, 1993, Salvador, BA. Anais do VI Congresso Internacional de Medicina Veterinária em Língua Portuguesa. Salvador, BA: Editora da Universidade Federal da Bahia, UFBA, 1993. v. I. p. 201-204. (Portuguese)

Extended Abstracts published in conference proceedings

1. BEZERRA, A.P.M.; MARTIN, C.P.; SILVA-SANTIAGO, S.C.; FARIAS, K.M.; PENHA, E.D.S.; Oliveira, Diana M. Predictive analyses of human genes concomitantly involved in the etiology of Diabetes, Obesity, Inflammation & Metabolic Syndrome - DOISm. In: 7th Congress of the International Society of Nutrigenetics/ Nutrigenomics (ISNN), 2013, Québec City, Quebec. Supplement on Journal of Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics 2013, v. 6, p.199 253. Basel, Switzerland: Karger, 2013. v. 6. p. 105.

2. FARIAS, K.M.; VIANA, D.A.; OLIVEIRA, D.M. Infecção natural por Leishmania spp. em felino
doméstico no município de Fortaleza: Relato de Caso. In: 33o. Congresso Brasileiro da ANCLIVEPA - Associação Nacional de Clínicos Veterinários de Pequenos Animais, 2012, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil.
Anais do 33o. Congresso Brasileiro da ANCLIVEPA - Associação Nacional de Clínicos Veterinários dePequenos Animais, 2012. Portuguese

OLIVEIRA, D.M. In Silico Analyses of Human Genes Involved in the Diabesin Triad (Diabetes, Obesity and Inflammation) and their Association to Imprinted Genes. In: The 6th Congress of the International Society of Nutrigenetics/Nutrigenomics (ISNN), 2012, São Paulo, SP, Brasil. Suplement on Journal of Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics. Bael, Switzerland: Karger Medical, 2012. v. 5, p. 171-302.

4. PINHEIRO, A.M.A; COSTA, M. P.; Pacheco, ACL; KAMIMURA, M.T.; DINIZ, M.C.; ARAÚJOFILHO, R.; OLIVEIRA, D.M. Actin-Interacting and Flagellar Proteins in Leishmania spp.: Bioinformatics Predictions to Functional Assignments in Phagosome Formation. In: 4th International Conference of the Brazilian Association for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2008, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. Proceedings of The 4th International Conference of AB3C - X-Meeting, 2008.

5. PINHEIRO, D.P.; OLIVEIRA, F.C.E.; MEDEIROS, S.R.; SILVA, S.C.; Pacheco, ACL; KAMIMURA, M.T.; COSTA, R.B.; OLIVEIRA, D.M.; MAGGIONI, R. Variabilidad Genética del locus McM527 en dos variedades de ovinos de la raza Morada Nova. In: 13º Congreso Latinoamericano de Genética / VI Congreso Peruano de Genética, 2008, Lima, Peru. Anales del 13º Congreso Latinoamericano de Genética. Lima, Peru: Asociación Latinoamericana de Genética (ALAG), 2008.

6. ARAUJO, F.F.; GOMES, M.J.N.; OLIVEIRA, D.M. Natural Clustering Methods Comparison on
Classifying Protein Sequences: The Wards Method of Minimum Variance Fits Better. In: ISMB 2007-
Annual Meeting of the International Society for Computational Biology, 2007, Vienna, Austria, 15th
Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB), 2007.

ARAÚJO-FILHO, R.; MAGGIONI, R.; KAMIMURA, M.T.; COSTA, R.B. Intraflagellar Transport (IFT) Complex in Leishmania spp.: In Silico Genome-Wide Screens and Annotation of Gene Function. In: ISMB 2007-Annual Meeting of the International Society for Computational Biology, 2007, Vienna, Austria, 15th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB), 2007.

8. GIRAO, K.T.; OLIVEIRA, F.C.E.; MEDEIROS, S.R.; PINHEIRO, D.P.; Pacheco, ACL; FARIAS, K.M.; OLIVEIRA, D.M. Multi-Relational Data Mining for Tetratricopeptide Repeats (TPR)-like Superfamily Members in Leishmania spp.: Acting-by-Connecting Proteins. In: X Meeting - 3rd Annual Meeting of AB3C, 2007, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil. Proceeding X Meeting - 3rd Annual Meeting of AB3C, 2007.

9. ROCHA, C.L.; LUCAS, H.R.; COSTA, M.P.; FERREIRA, G.P.; BARROS, A.L.B.P.; OLIVEIRA, D.M. In Silico Comparative Macromolecular Modeling of the Leishmania Flagellum: 3D Perspective of an Axonemal Nanomachine. In: 14th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Computational Biology - ISMB 2006, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil. Proceedings of the 14th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Computational Biology - ISMB 2006.

FlagelLink: An integrated organellar database dealing with refined pattern recognition of specific
motifs/domains targeted to the eukaryotic flagellum. In: 14th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Computational Biology - ISMB 2006, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil. Proceedings of the 14th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Computational Biology - ISMB 2006.

11. BARROS, A.L.B.P.; VIANA, G.V.R.; Campos, G.A.L.; COSTA, R.B.; MAGGIONI, R.; OLIVEIRA, D.M. PhyloTree: An Integrated and Automatic Tool to Generate Phylogenetic Trees. In: 14th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Computational Biology - ISMB 2006, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil. Proceedings of the 14th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Computational Biology - ISMB 2006.

12. MAIA, A.R.S.; Pacheco, ACL; LUCAS, H.R.; FERREIRA, G.P.; BARROS, A.L.B.P.; MAGGIONI, R.; COSTA, R.B.; OLIVEIRA, D.M. In Silico Identification of Radial Spoke Proteins and Prediction of their Arrangement Patterns towards Assembly of the Flagellar Axoneme in Leishmania spp.. In: 14th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Computational Biology - ISMB 2006, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil. Proceedings of the 14th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Computational Biology - ISMB 2006.

13. OLIVEIRA, D.M.; ARAUJO, F.F.; ALCOFORADO, W.J.O.; LIRA, J.D.; LUCAS, H.R.; FERREIRA, G.P.; MAIA, A.R.S.; BARROS, A.L.B.P.; ROCHA, C.L.; COSTA, M.P. In Silico Analyses of Profilins and Katanins as Putative Members of the Intraflagellar Transport (IFT) Mechanisms in Leishmania spp.. In: In Silico Analysis of Proteins - Swiss-Prot 20 years Anniversary Celebrating, 2006, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil. Proceedings of the In Silico Analysis of Proteins - Swiss-Prot 20 years Anniversary Celebrating.

ALCOFORADO, W.J.O.; LIRA, J.D.; ROCHA, C.L.; COSTA, M.P.; OLIVEIRA, D.M. Genes of the WDrepeat protein superfamily in the protozoan Leishmania: conservation and divergence in structure and function of flagellum-related sequences. In: In Silico Analysis of Proteins - Swiss-Prot 20 years Anniversary Celebrating, 2006, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil. Proceedings of the In Silico Analysis of Proteins - Swiss-Prot 20 years Anniversary Celebrating.

15. MAGGIONI, R.; COSTA, M.P.; COSTA, R.B.; KAMIMURA, M.T.; MAIA, A.R.S.; MEDEIROS, S.R.; OLIVEIRA, F.C.E.; Pacheco, ACL; PINHEIRO, D.P.; SILVA, S.C.; OLIVEIRA, D.M. The Undergoing Leishmania Flagellar Proteome Project. In: In Silico Analysis of Proteins - Swiss-Prot 20 years Anniversary Celebrating, 2006, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil. Proceedings of the In Silico Analysis of Proteins - Swiss-Prot 20 years Anniversary Celebrating.

16. Andrade, P.P.; OLIVEIRA, D.M. Survey of Leishmania chagasi transcriptome. In: ISMB 2006 -
Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology, 2006, Fortaleza. Proceedings of the 14th International
Conference of the International Society for Computational Biology, 2006.

17. ALBUQUERQUE, M.C.; MAIA, A.R.S.; VASCONCELOS, E.J.R.; OLIVEIRA, J.J.S.; GOUVEIA, J.J.S.; COSTA, R.B.; OLIVEIRA, D.M.; MAGGIONI, R. Análise de Relações Evolutivas entre Répteis e Aves Usando Genes Mitocondriais ATP6 e ATP8: Construção de Árvores Filogenéticas com a Suíte de Programas PHYLIP. In: 57a Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência - SBPC, 2005, Fortaleza, Brazil. Anais da 57a Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência - SBPC, 2005. Portuguese

18. VASCONCELOS, E.J.R.; MAIA, A.R.S.; GOUVEIA, J.J.S.; ALBUQUERQUE, M.C.; COSTA, R.B.; MAGGIONI, R.; OLIVEIRA, D.M. Structural Motifs of Pescadillo Protein homologues in Leishmania spp. as Putative Determinants of Virulence Factor. In: 57a Reunião Anual da SBPC, 2005, Fortaleza, Brazil Anais da 57a Reunião Anual da SBPC, 2005.

19. GOUVEIA, J.J.S.; MAIA, A.R.S.; VASCONCELOS, E.J.R.; ALBUQUERQUE, M.C.; MAGGIONI, R.; COSTA, R.B.; OLIVEIRA, D.M. Assessing intraflagellar transport proteins of Leishmania spp. through in silico analysis. In: 57a Reunião Anual da SBPC, 2005, Fortaleza, Brazil Anais da 57a Reunião Anual da SBPC, 2005.

20. COSTA, A.F.; SILVA, C.P.N.; VIANA, D.A.; Pacheco, ACL; OLIVEIRA, D.M. Fratura osséa
escapular, fechada e cominutiva em filhote de baleia jubarte (Megaptera novaeangliae) encalhada na costa do Ceará. In: XXIV Congresso Brasileiro de Zoologia, 2002, Itajai, SC. Anais do XXIV Congresso Brasileiro de Zoologia, 2002. Portuguese

Selected Posters / Abstracts published in conference proceedings

1. RAMOS, M.S.; PENHA, E.D.S.; SILVA-JR, J.F.D.; BEZERRA, A.P.M.; OLIVEIRA, DIANA M. Análise in silico de genes reconhecidamente associados com obesidade na busca por genótipos
representativos do fenótipo de obesos metabolicamente saudáveis. In: XIX Semana Universitária da
UECE, 2014, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil. Anais da XIV SEMANA UNIVERSITÁRIA DA UECE, 2014.

OLIVEIRA, D.M. Análise diferencial de eigengenes na etiologia combinada DOISm (Diabetes, Obesidade, Inflamação e Síndrome Metabólica): busca por elementos epigenéticos representativos de subtipagem fenotípica. In: XIX Semana Universitária da UECE, 2014, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil. Anais da XIV SEMANA UNIVERSITÁRIA DA UECE, 2014. Portuguese

3. SILVA, D.S.M.; ARAUJO, J.D.L.; ROCHA, L.B.; FARIAS, K.M.; OLIVEIRA, D.M.; PACHECO, ANA CAROLINA L. Modelagem Molecular por Homologia Estrutural de Proteínas Radial Spoke Head e Stalk de Leishmania spp. In: 65ª Reunião Anual da SBPC, 2013, Recife, PE, Brazil. Anais da 65ª Reunião Anual da SBPC, 2013. Portuguese

4. PENHA, E.D.S.; BEZERRA, A.P.M.; MARTIN, C.P.; SILVA-SANTIAGO, S.C.; FARIAS, K.M.; SILVA, M.M.; Pacheco, ACL; ARAUJO, F.F.; Oliveira, D.M. Human Genes As Candidates to Subtyping of Complex Phenotypes in the Combined Etiology DOISm (Diabetes, Obesity, Inflammation and Metabolic Syndrome). In: X-meeting/BSB 2013 Conference, 2013, Recife, PE, Brazil. Proceedings of X Meeting 2013.

5. BEZERRA, A.P.M.; PACHECO, A.C.L.; MARTIN, C.P.; FARIAS, K.M.; PENHA, E.D.S.; SILVASANTIAGO, S.C.; SILVA, M.M.; OLIVEIRA, D.M. Catálogo de Genes Humanos Incriminados na Etiologia Combinada DOISm (Diabetes, Obesidade, Inflamação e Síndrome Metabólica). In: XVIII SEMANA UNIVERSITÁRIA DA UECE, 2013, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil. Anais da XVIII SEMANA UNIVERSITÁRIA DA UECE, 2013. Portuguese

6. OLIVEIRA, D.M.; SILVA-SANTIAGO, S.C.; MARTIN, C.P.; PACHECO, A.C.L.; VASCONCELOS, E.J.R.; ARAUJO, F.F.; OLIVEIRA, D.M. The Human Imprintome Content in RNA Genes Comprises 15 Non-Coding Macro RNAs and 14 Small or Micro RNAs. In: 20th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology - ISMB, 2012, Long Beach, California, USA. 20th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology, 2012.

7. ARAUJO, F.F.; SILVA, M.C.; PACHECO, ACL; OLIVEIRA, D.M. EasyBioDB: a pipeline for database modeling and construction by non-computer specialists. In: 20th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology - ISMB, 2012, Long Beach, California, USA. 20th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology, 2012.

8. FARIAS, K.M.; Pacheco, ACL; OLIVEIRA, D.M.; VIANA, D.A. Pseudomicetoma dermatofítico (PMD) em gato: Relato de Caso. In: XV Encontro Nacional de Patologia Veterinária - ENAPAVE, 2011, Goiânia, Brazil. Anais do XV Encontro Nacional de Patologia Veterinária - ENAPAVE, 2011. Portuguese

9. SILVA, S.C.; OLIVEIRA, D.M. Descrição de Quatro Loci Microssatélites/Str (Dys3456, Dys390,
Dys389i, Dys389ii) Autossômicos Previamente Genotipados na População Cearense. In: XVI Semana
Universitária da UECE, 2011, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil. Anais da XVI Semana Universitária da UECE, 2011. Portuguese

10. SILVA, S.C.; OLIVEIRA, D.M. Prospecção In Silico de Genes Impressos Humanos como Aporte para Genética Forense: Um Rascunho do Imprintoma Humano. In: XVI Semana Universitária da UECE, 2011, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil. Anais da XVI Semana Universitária da UECE, 2011. Portuguese

11. OLIVEIRA, D.M.; Silva, Samara Cardoso. Análise In Silico De Genes que Sofrem Imprinting
Genômico com Possível Potencial para Estudos Populacionais. In: XV Semana Universitária da UECE, 2010, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil. Anais da XV Semana Universitária da UECE, 2010. Portuguese

12. COSTA, M.P.; TEIXEIRA, M.F.; OLIVEIRA, D.M.; AZEVEDO, V.A. Construção e caracterização de uma linhagem de Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis mutante do gene phoP e sua avaliação como vacina viva atenuada. In: XXV Congresso Brasileiro de Microbiologia, 2009, Porto de Galinhas, PE, Brazil. Anais do XXV Congresso Brasileiro de Microbiologia, 2009. Portuguese

13. PACHECO, A.C.L.; SOARES, C.E.A.; FARIAS, K.M.; GALAS, K.S.; VIANA, D.A.; OLIVEIRA, D.M. Prohibitins are Flagellar Proteins Likely To Be Involved In Central Pair Projections and Radial Spokes Interactions Contained in Leishmania Axonemes. In: X Meeting 2009 - 5th International Conference of the Brazilian Association for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2009, Angra dos Reis, RJ, Brazil. X-Meeting Electronic Abstracts Book 2009.

14. FARIAS, K.M.; PACHECO, A.C.L; VIANA, D.A.; OLIVEIRA, D.M. Levantamento e
Acompanhamento da Casuística das Necropsias Realizadas na Disciplina de Anatomia Patológica
Veterinária - FAVET-UECE. In: XIV Semana Universitária da UECE, 2009, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil. Anais da XIV Semana Universitária, 2009. Portuguese

15. FERNANDES, A.M.C.; GALAS, K.S.; SILVA, S.C.; PINHEIRO, D.P.; OLIVEIRA, D.M. Emprego de Método Simplificado de Extração Salina para Recuperação de DNA a Partir de Bulbo Capilar Humano. In: XIV Semana Universitária da UECE, 2009, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil. Anais da XIV Semana Universitária da UECE, 2009. Portuguese

16. GALAS, K.S.; SOARES, C. E. A.; PACHECO, A.C.L.; OLIVEIRA, D.M. Análise comparativa de sequências de profenoloxidase (PPO) de Anopheles gambiae. In: XIV Semana Universitária da UECE, 2009, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil. Anais da XIV Semana Universitária da UECE. Fortaleza, CE, 2009. Portuguese

17. GALAS, K.S.; SOUSA, L.F.; CUNHA, A.C.; LIRA, J.D.; OLIVEIRA, D.M. Biotecla: Ambiente
Multimídia para "Edutenimento" (Educação e Entretenimento). In: XIV Semana Universitária da UECE, 2009, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil. Anais da XIV Semana Universitária da UECE, 2009. Portuguese


19. PINHEIRO, D.P.; SILVA, S.C.; KAMIMURA, M.T.; OLIVEIRA, F.C.E.; FARIAS, K.M.; RIBEIRO, E.M.; DINIZ, M.C.; COSTA, M.P.; OLIVEIRA, D.M.; MAGGIONI, R.; COSTA, R.B. Análise comparativa da região controle mitocondrial do camarão marinho Litopeaneus vannamei em populações cultivadas no Estado do Ceará. In: 54 Congresso Brasileiro de Genetica, 2008, Salvador, BA. Anais do 54 Congresso Brasileiro de Genetica, 2008. Portuguese

20. OLIVEIRA, F.C.E.; MEDEIROS, S.R.; SILVA, S.C.; PINHEIRO, D.P.; KAMIMURA, M.T.; DINIZ, M.C.; FARIAS, K.M.; COSTA, R.B.; OLIVEIRA, D.M.; MAGGIONI, R. Extração comparativa de DNA genômico obtido a partir de diferentes fontes de musculatura de gastrópodes do gênero Stramonita haemastoma. In: 54o. Congresso Brasileiro de Genética, 2008, Salvador, BA, Brazil. Anais do 54o. Congresso Brasileiro de Genetica, 2008. Portuguese

21. PACHECO, A.C.L; OLIVEIRA, D.M. Análise pós-genômica do mosquito Anopheles darlingi, vetor da Malária, como sub-projeto da Rede Genoma Nacional - BRGene - POSDARLINGI. In: IX Reunião Regional da Sociedade Brasileira de Bioquímica e Biologia Molecular, 2008, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil. Anais da IX Reunião Regional da Sociedade Brasileira de Bioquímica e Biologia Molecular. Portuguese

22. FARIAS, K.M.; GIRAO, K.T.; OLIVEIRA, F.C.E.; MEDEIROS, S.R.; PINHEIRO, D.P.; COSTA, M.P.; OLIVEIRA, D.M. In Silico Identification of Flagellar Hydin in Leishmania Genomes: A Novel Axonemal Gene with Central Pair Proteins Relationships. In: 15th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB), 2007, Vienna, Austria.

proteômica da interação patógeno-hospedeiro na antracnose do cajueiro: identificação de proteínas do fungo Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. In: 12ª Semana Universitária da UECE, 2007, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil. Anais da 12ª Semana Universitária da UECE, 2007. Portuguese

24. GOUVEIA, J.J.S.; DINIZ, N.B.; VASCONCELOS, E.J.R.; Pacheco, A.C.L.; DINIZ, M.C.; MAIA, A.R.S.; VIANA, D.A.; TOME, A.R.; OLIVEIRA, D.M. Intraflagellar proteins of Leishmania spp., as assessed through in silico analysis, unveil a flagellar remodeling network. In: ISMB 2005 - Annual Meeting of the International Society for Computational Biology, 2005, Detroit, Michigan, USA.

VIANA, D.A.; MAIA, A.R.S.; DINIZ, N.B.; FERREIRA, T.D.; ALBUQUERQUE, M.C. Sequence analysis of MNUDC-like protein and SQS among flagellar gene families of Leishmania spp.: new putative virulence factors in leishmaniasis. In: ISMB 2005- Annual Meeting of the International Society for Computational Biology, 2005, Detroit, Michigan, USA.

26. VASCONCELOS, E.J.R.; GOUVEIA, J.J.S.; Pacheco, A.C.L.; OLIVEIRA, D.M. Identification and analysis of Pescadillo homologues during a pathogenomics survey in Leishmania spp.. In: ISMB 2005- Annual Meeting of the International Society for Computational Biology, 2005, Detroit, Michigan, USA.

Leishmania chagasi Transcriptome Data: From ESTs to Relevant Information in a Pathogenomics Approach. In: XII International Conference On Intelligent Systems For Molecular Biology (ISMB), 2004, Glasgow, Scotland, UK.

28. OLIVEIRA, D.M.; Pacheco, A.C.L.; VIANA, D.A.; VASCONCELOS, E.J.R.; GOUVEIA, J.J.S.; ALBUQUERQUE, M.C.; DINIZ, N.B.; COSTA, R.B.; MAGGIONI, R.; OLIVEIRA, S.M.P. Computing structural differences on prion proteins due to Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms using the STING MILLENNIUM Suite. In: XII International Conference On Intelligent Systems For Molecular Biology (ISMB), 2004, Glasgow, Scotland, UK.

FERREIRA, T.D.; MAGGIONI, R.; COSTA, R.B.; OLIVEIRA, S.M.P.; OLIVEIRA, D.M. Genotipagem de Ovinos Morada Nova para o Gene PrP Revela Haplótipos Potencialmente Susceptíveis ao Scrapie em Rebanhos Nativos no Ceará. In: 50º Congresso Brasileiro de Genética, 2004, Florianopolis, SC, Brazil. Anais do 50º Congresso Brasileiro de Genética, 2004. Portuguese

30. FORTIER, D.C.; OLIVEIRA, D.M.; VASCONCELOS, E.J.R.; GOUVEIA, J.J.S.; ALBUQUERQUE, M.C.; DINIZ, N.B.; MAGGIONI, R. Características, Funções e Atributos do Banco de Dados PostGreeSQL no Painel de Genes Expressos da Leishmania chagasi. In: IX Semana Universitária da UECE, I Feira de Ciência, Cultura, Tecnologia e Inovação do Estado do Ceará, 2004, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil. Anais da Semana Universitária da UECE, 2004, I Feira de Ciência, Cultura, Tecnologia e Inovação do Estado do Ceará, 2004.

OLIVEIRA, D.M. Busca In Silico por Sítios de Ligação Fármaco-Hsp90 em Leishmania chagasi. In: IX Semana Universitária da UECE, 2004, I Feira de Ciência, Cultura, Tecnologia e Inovação do Estado do Ceará, 2004, Fortaleza, Brazil, 2004. Portuguese

32. GOUVEIA, J.J.S.; VASCONCELOS, E.J.R.; ALBUQUERQUE, M.C.; DINIZ, N B.; DINIZ, M.C.; COSTA, R.B.; MAGGIONI, R.; OLIVEIRA, D.M. Genomas dos Animais Domésticos: Avanços e Aplicações em Medicina Veterinária. In: IX SEMANA UNIVERSITÁRIA,DA UECE, 2004, I FEIRA DE CIÊNCIAS, CULTURA, TECNOLOGIA E INOVAÇÃO DO ESTADO DO CEARÁ, 2004, Fortaleza. Portuguese

33. FERREIRA, T.D.; COSTA, R.B.; TOME, A.R.; MAGGIONI, R.; ALBUQUERQUE, M.C.; DINIZ, M.C.; DINIZ, N.B.; OLIVEIRA, D.M. Mapeamento de ESTs ao Longo dos Mini-Cromossomos de Leishmania chagasi: Posição, Organização Intragênica e Função Alvo.. In: IX Semana Universitária da UECE, 2004, I Feira de Ciência, Cultura, Tecnologia e Inovação do Estado do Ceará, 2004, Fortaleza, Brazil. 2004. Portuguese

34. GOUVEIA, J.J.S.; PACHECO, A.C.L.; COSTA, L.A.C.; VASCONCELOS, E.J.R.; FERREIRA, T.D.; CARVALHO, P.R.L.; VIANA, D.A.; COSTA, R.B.; GOMES, M.J.N.; OLIVEIRA, D.M. Plataforma Bioveterinária Computacional: Aplicação de Algoritmos em Análises de Dados Patogenômicos e de Interesse à Sanidade/Produtividade Animal. In: XI Encontro Nacional de Patologia Veterinária - ENAPAVE, 2003, Botucatu, SP, Brazil. Anais do XI Encontro Nacional de Patologia Veterinária, 2003.Portuguese

35. OLIVEIRA, D.M.; GOUVEIA, J.J.S.; PACHECO, A.C.L; VIANA, D.A.; VASCONCELOS, E.J.R.; DINIZ, N.B.; FERREIRA, T.D.; COSTA, R.B.; COSTA, L.A.C.; LEITE, L.R.G. Iniciativa Genoma Leishmania chagasi: Assistência e Estratégia de Sequenciamento ORESTES (ORF ESTs) no PROGENE. In:VIII Semana Universitária da Universidade Estadual do Ceara - UECE, 2003, Fortaleza. Anais da VIIISemana Universitária da UECE, 2003. Portuguese

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